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Mao A-Min Song Translations

U.S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinois - 1943

Fort Gordon Basic Training 1962-1963

Sullivan Cave Sump Trip 1985

Sullivan Cave Trip 1985-1

Sullivan Cave Trip 1986-1

Sullivan Cave Trip 1986-2

Sullivan Cave Trip July1986

Salamander Cave Circa 1985

Mao A Min

Music Translations

This web site is dedicated to the celebration of Mao A Min and her music. Mao A Min gained fame in the 1980s and has always been popular with people of all ages. She has incredible control over her voice. From a whisper to opera levels, her voice is clear and controlled. This matched with the good songs that she sings, results in a wonderful listening experience. Mao A Min has been likened to the English songstress Julie Andrews. This site is in English, serving to expose English speaking people to the music of Mao A Min. The owner of the website, an American, has probably the largest Mao A Min collection of music in the United States. It consists of a DVD, a two VCD set, and several CDs. More pictures will appear on the site, once Mao A Min gives permission. The lyrics from several of Mao A Min's most popular songs that have been translated into Pinyin and English. The translated songs will be of particular interest to English speaking people, wishing to learn the Chinese language Mandarin. Chinese speakers may find the translated songs helpful as well. Many people find listening to music, to be a good way to learn another language. Of course, the words must be clear, and the music must be pleasant to hear repeatedly.

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