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U.S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinois - 1943

Fort Gordon Basic Training 1962-1963

Sullivan Cave Sump Trip 1985

Sullivan Cave Trip 1985-1

Sullivan Cave Trip 1986-1

Sullivan Cave Trip 1986-2

Sullivan Cave Trip July1986

Salamander Cave Circa 1985


Many formations in caves take thousands or hundreds of thousands of years to form. As such they are priceless and irreplaceable. So that others may be able to enjoy the cave...

NEVER break any formations!

NEVER take anything out of the cave except trash!

Sullivan Cave

The entance to Salamander Cave

Sullivan Cave

Stalagmite and soda straws in Salamander Cave.

Sullivan Cave

Ceiling of soda straws.

Sullivan Cave

Massive Stalagmite in Salamander Cave.

Sullivan Cave

Ceiling of stalactites.

Sullivan Cave


Sullivan Cave

Beautiful formations.

Sullivan Cave

Nice column and formations.

Sullivan Cave

Very Strange and rare twisted formations on the ceiling of Salamander Cave.

Sullivan Cave

Walking passageway.

Sullivan Cave

The ceiling of Salamander Cave.

Sullivan Cave

Water eroded passageway at Salamander Cave.

Sullivan Cave

Walking on breakdown.

Sullivan Cave

Overexposed picture of breakdown.

Sullivan Cave

Passageway in Salamander Cave.

Sullivan Cave

Another view of the entrance to Salamander Cave.

Sullivan Cave

The Mountain Room.

Sullivan Cave

Stalactite in the back of the Mountain Room.

Sullivan Cave

The Motorcycle Raceway.

Sullivan Cave

A stalagmite in the Table area of salamander Cave.